Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Today seems to be the day for reminiscing, over cast skys, B-Man napping because he's not feeling well, a little under the weather myself ...
Looking through the pictures of Ms. R brought back a lot of fun memories - having two kids 15 months apart I sometimes forget what happened to whom, where we were, ect. Thank heaven I am a picture taker.
Though it seems almost impossible, one of my favorite memories of my brother is from when Ms. R was in the hospital after Cobol picked her up by her head and crushed her skull. I am sure most of those who read this know the entire back story (those who don't, feel free to ask...), so I'll just start my story from this memory. Within 48 hours of the incident my mom, Michael and Jenie has all flown down to be with me and help me through the incredibly overwhelming aftermath. Michael had been given a line of credit worth $10,000 from his University, which they used part of to buy tickets down with (it's still overwhelming when I think of what they sacrificed to be with me). Families of children in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit were allowed to bunk down in waiting rooms through out the hospital after regular visitor hours were over. One of the evenings my family forced me to leave Ms. R's side to get some rest. After a few hours of restless sleep I got up and slipped back into the PICU, only to find Michael sitting at Ms. R's side, reading her a book with all the expression he usually does, gently stroking her arm ... She was still in a medication induced coma they could not figure out how to bring her out of. My sweet older brother, willing Ms. R back into consciousness with his love and attention.
He has been a best friend for as long as I can remember. He's funny, thoughtful, obnoxious, intelligent, blessed.

1 comment:

TinaLaRae said...

I have to say that I've always looked up to you and your family. I have always felt the love of family from you, Dawn, Michael and your parents. What a great memory!!!