Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Soles for Souls

Ryan, one of my favorite blogsters, issued a challenge for his readers to donate to this cause. Being a dedicated shoe whore (I kid you not), I took this challenge to heart. How many pairs of shoes to I own? How much did I pay for the least expensive pair? Can I afford to donate that much to a worthy cause, to help at least 2 people get a little bit of comfort for their over worked peds?
I am pretty sure I'd make a great rich person, I love philanthropy. I'd be the best darn philanthropist out there. Other than Big Bill, Bono, Buffett, Berkshire ... I'd TOTALLY be it, man. Wait, after considering their names I now wonder if I have to have a B name. That would completely take me out of the running. Frickin' frackin.
Any way, check it out 50,000 shoes in 50 days.

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