Monday, July 5, 2010


Yeah, I'm doing it.
I'm breaking down and getting citified (wait, that's actually a word? I thought it was going to be a funny play on countrified .... heck! According to my spell check even THAT is a word. What IS the world coming to?)
Saving me $400/yr on a work visa, not having to deal with funny looks every time I cross a border ...
I've lived here for 1/3 of my life.
At 31, that's not really THAT long.
But considering I plan on staying here.
As in I have NO plans whatsoever of moving back to S. Alberta ...
1/3 is going to slowly become 1/2 then 3/4 ... eventually living in Canada as a "child" will be a fading memory that I'll tell my grandkids of (assuming my kids have kids).
Vacations there won't be "going home for a visit", it'll be "visiting Canada for a few weeks".

Honestly, Texas has become home.
I honestly can't say I feel any strong ties to the United States, other than my children.
But Texas?
I love Texas.

If they changed the pledge to "I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas ..."
Actually Texas DOES have a pledge!
"I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible"

I'll pledge to be indivisible with you anytime ;)

I'll admit, I have struggled internally with giving up my Canadian citizenship.
It's the place of my birth.
It's where my family resides.
It's where I lost my heart for the first time.
I have billions of tiny memories, emotions, friendships all tied up in people and places there.

I didn't flee my country to find a better life in the U.S.
I didn't hope to live the American Dream.

I came because I married an American ... and at the time as far away from my parents and the marital struggles they were experiencing was a blessed relief.

I never thought I'd marry an American, it never crossed my mind, even once.
Even living in the states was a foreign concept.
Other than maybe for school.

But live here?

Give up Canada for America?

Even as I write it, I fight against it.

We're friendly countries, that share the longest common border in the world.

So what's with the hoopla?
Why make is so hard for a friendly neighbor to live a productive life?



Unknown said...

'boarders' are those who 1) ride boards, or 2) obtain food and/or lodging from someone else, or possibly 3) are members of a boarding party (but we don't often storm enemy ships in this day & age).

'borders' are boundaries between countries :)

Sally said...

Do it! Do it! Do it!

Jenie said...

We know you are Canadian at heart, even if you become an American citizen.

momma street said...

I might be wrong, but I don't think you have to give up being a Canadian! I know my parents (and some siblings) are dual citizens - but they went as Americans to Canadians. Maybe those crazy Canuks have different rules. Go for BOTH I TELL YA!!!

Lindsey Rae said...

No, you don't have to give up being a Canadian fact, it is apparently quite difficult to do so...a judge has to approve it. You aren't required to give up Canadian citizenship, but at the same time, have to swear and maintain allegiance and maintain.

"The U.S. Government acknowledges that dual nationality exists but does not encourage it as a matter of policy because of the problems it may cause. Claims of other countries on dual national U.S. citizens may conflict with U.S. law, and dual nationality may limit U.S. Government efforts to assist citizens abroad. The country where a dual national is located generally has a stronger claim to that person's allegiance".

"One can hold both U.S and Canadian citizenships but one must always enter the U.S. as an American and maintain allegiance to the U.S."