Tuesday, September 9, 2008


I've been trying to think of productive ways to spend my afternoons now that Ms. R and B-Man are both in school during a time I function and enjoy being awake. On Thursday I fired off an email to Ms. R's teacher saying if there was anything she needed help with around the school in the afternoons, I'd be more than willing to come in and do it for her. She replied saying she'd love it if I would come in this afternoon to help with a few projects. So in I trooped after I sent B-Man off on the bus, thinking "How much could she really have for me to do the third week of school?" Wow. During the time the 1st grade classes were in their "electives" (computers, music and P.E.) she introduced me to all the rest of the teachers after I'd stated that I was available most (to all) afternoons. I am now the teacher's appointed afternoon gopher girl. Cutting, copying, stapling, reading ... They all were looking at me like I was some kind of redeemer, so I suppose a whole lot more than anticipated happens in the first two weeks of school than I thought. Or the teachers have less time on their hands than I assumed. Or they just like having someone else do the grunt work. Or all of the above. It's nice though. This way I know more about the teachers, what's going on in the school, makes Ms. R more confident in the class room, gives me a way to interact with adults on a regular basis. I am actually fairly excited about the opportunity.


Mandy said...

Sounds like the perfect volunteering position. I'd like to do something like that...one day when all the kids are in school.

mom said...

that is a really good choice, ya can see what your child is doing and help out too, good job Krista