Thursday, June 28, 2007

World Trade Center

No, not that one. The one here in Dallas.Surprised as I am that every major city in the United States has one? All of various sizes but all with the same business intent. To house multitudes of business distributors from every field of merchandise manufacturing around the world with the intent of connecting those with the goods and those with the mind to sell them. Apparently this was the original purpose of the NY WTC before bankers came in and shot up the price of real estate. Dallas, however, has stayed true to the vision and houses 15 floors of merchandisers. Thousands of shops, millions of items to see. It's VERY overwhelming. I only know this (the WTC is not open to the "public" you must own a store to shop there) because a few clients of Jerry's house there main "portals" in this maze (each level is a few halls wide)of shops we had the privilege of perusing a lot of high end ($12,500 for an Elmo leather couch anyone?) furniture, mens ware, lingerie, seasonal decorations ... It was amazing. Not only the price of things "wholesale" but realizing what people pay for this retail. The day away from the kids was also really nice, even if we didn't buy anything. Oh and yeah, we're classifying it as a date - he bought me lunch ;)


Anonymous said...

gues ya gotta take a "date" whenever you can get it HA HA

Jenie said...

That sounds pretty cool.