On to the true post.
"The Tale of Two Worlds Colliding ... Possibly NOT for the Best"
As I have been preparing to head off on our annual road trip to Canada I've been cleansing and purging the house as I pack.
I find I do it less and less as we live in the same stinking house longer and longer and loooonger.
Seriously, I think it may be detrimental to people's health to live in one house for this long.
If not their physical health, their mental health at the very least!
I've discovered no matter how much I cleanse and purge the kids and my stuff, my house will never be a house of order.
Case and point:
Here are examples of MY areas, areas that a certain other person in this household never messes with because well, they're in the kitchen...
Here are examples of a certain other person's space, which I am NEVER to touch, move, look at, or even consider messing with. I did a few times at the beginning of our marriage, I don't think I've recovered from the tongue lashing, WHOO WEE!This, sadly, is my front room. The "holding area" for things of as of yet ... unknown destinations